Personal Note

As a coach I am grateful for the opportunities to partner with and support my clients in their journeys.

It is an honor and a responsibility I take to heart. As a certified coach I am required to continue developing professionally. I name this, fine tuning my skill set and cultivating a coaching mindset. This coaching mindset shines a light into who we are ‘being’ and what we are ‘doing’ when we work with a client.  

I recently participated in a social justice course offered by JST Coaching and Training as a way to continue honing my skills and challenging my mindset. The course allowed me to explore race, culture, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQIA+, ability, religion and their intersection with coaching. I completed the class with greater clarity and a renewed commitment to continue the intentional exploration of diversity equity inclusion, belonging (DEIB) and creating a safe space for all in my coaching practice.   

Summer 2021

Summer officially starts June 20th. Can you already feel work slowing down? A relaxed attitude in the air? Can you sense summer is almost here because your kids are home?  

The relaxed pace and flexible schedule (if your work/life experiences this flow) is a treat for some and for others it might be more like a nightmare! Neurodiverse adults and children need and benefit from structure and a regular rhythm to stay grounded. Even during the summer! I can feel the push back and please trust me, a flexible routine works wonders. Non structured days with plenty of free time can be exhausting because the brain searches for a routine to guide the way.  

Some pointers:

  1. Try to keep some routines consistent (sleep schedules and mealtimes).
  2. Implement your new routines as anchors for your day. (swim in the morning, check your emails twice a day).
  3. Don’t forget to use your agenda or calendar! The visual reminder will provide structure.
  4. Use an index card or post it notes to create a today (not to do) checklist.
  5. Set some goals (3 or 4) you want to achieve during the week. Write some action steps for each of the goals. Take it one step further and add some accountability by writing when you will complete the action step.
  6. Add some “me time” or family fun times too. These can act as fun anchors and motivators.

Don’t forget to use technology (alarms and reminders) if you need help until you get used to your new summer routine.  

Most of all, be kind to yourself as you get used to the rhythm change!

Final Thoughts

Even if the summer routine doesn’t allow the time to dial down activities, carve time to balance work with some rest and recharge time.  

May was Mental Health Awareness Month and taking care of our mental health needs to be a part of our daily agenda, not something we pay attention to once a year.  

Mental health influences how you think, feel, and behave in daily life. It also affects your ability to cope with stress, overcome challenges, and build relationships.  

Food for thought: How can you integrate mental health care in your every day?

With gratitude, 

Ana Isabel Sánchez 


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    Ana I. Sanchez JD, LLM, PCC, CPCC